Overview of Abortion Care at Capital Women's Group

Capital Women's Group offers different types of abortion care up to 36 weeks gestation in certain cases. The purpose of this page is to give a brief overview of our abortion care, based upon gestational age. Below are short descriptions of the four different types of abortion services we offer, as well information about how to make an appointment and links to pages with more in-depth information about each type of abortion care:

LATE TERM ABORTION CARE (up to 36 weeks)

Capital Women's Group offers late term abortion care for women who are facing the difficult decision of a third trimester abortion. These can be serious situations that can arise when a woman faces a problem later in her pregnancy. These types of abortions are handled on a case-by-case basis and each patient will work with one of our dedicated Patient Advocates to make the process as easy as possible for her. If you wish to learn more about our late-term abortion care, click Here. Or to make an appointment for a late term abortion, please feel free to call our dedicated Patient Advocates at 202-400-0235.


Capital Women's Group performs elective abortion procedures for women through their second trimester, or up to about 26 weeks, either awake or asleep. Depending on the woman's exact gestation, which will be confirmed via ultrasound, these procedures may take either one, two or even three days. Typically, the further along the woman is, the more days it will take to complete her abortion. If you wish to learn more about our second trimester abortion care, click Here. Or to make an immediate appointment, click here for an online appointment or please feel free to call us at 202-945-4940.


Women who are less than 14 weeks pregnant can have a first trimester surgical (aspiration) abortion, either awake or asleep. These procedures are safe, easy, and typically completed in one day. First trimester abortions are the most common type of procedure performed. If you wish to learn more about our first trimester surgical abortion care, click Here. Or to make an immediate appointment, click here for an online appointment or please feel free to call us at 202-945-4940.


Women who are less than 9 weeks pregnant have a choice of terminating their pregnancy via a non-surgical procedure or via a surgical procedure. Non-surgical abortions (also known as Medical Abortions) involve the woman taking medication that stops the pregnancy and induces cramping and bleeding at home. If you wish to learn more about our non-surgical abortion care, click Here. Or to make an immediate appointment, click here for an online appointment or please feel free to call us at 202-945-4940.

Pregnancy Calculator

Not sure how far along you are? Please feel free to use our Pregnancy Calculator to help you estimate your gestation (based upon your last menstrual period). To use our Pregnancy Calculator, click Here.

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