Gyn Services

We offer many gynecological services ranging from condoms and basic birth control to annual exams and STD testing. Our services are performed by a doctor who can prescribe you contraception the same day.

  • Annual Exam- This is the yearly check-up that includes a breast exam, an interior and exterior vaginal exam, and PAP smear. During this check-up, you can have a birth control consultation and get a (birth control) prescription. It is highly recommended that all women, especially women of reproductive age receive an annual exam.
  • Pelvic Exam- An examination of your internal reproductive organs consisting of the uterus, ovaries, cervix and fallopian tubes. It will be performed by the doctor or nurse practitioner inserting two fingers into the vagina and applying slight pressure on on the abdomen. This will allow her to look for any abnormalities in the vagina and physically examine the organs.
  • Breast Exam- Breast exams are very important because it helps detect abnormalities, changes, and lumps in the breasts. It is the best way to detect breast cancer in its' early and treatable stage. You will also be instructed on how to perform a monthly self-exam of your breasts to ensure you are always aware of your health.

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